
  • Man attacked twice in same night in city centre

    A MAN was "violently" attacked twice in Salisbury city centre on Saturday. Police say the man was assaulted outside of Debenhams on Blue Boar Row at about 10.30pm by two men. He was able to run towards the entrance of Tesco on Castle Street

  • Mum who drowned three-year-old jailed for 18 years

    A FORMER science teacher has been jailed for at least 18 years after drowning her three-year-old daughter in a bath when her marriage broke down. Claire Colebourn was handed the life sentence with the minimum term today at Winchester Crown Court

  • Increase in council tax for New Forest residents

    NEW Forest District Council (NFDC) set a 10p per week rise in its share of the council tax. The NFDC element of council tax was set at £173.36 for an average band D property, an increase of £5 or 2.97 per cent on last year. This represents 9.8

  • OPINION: Treating the causes of violence

    POLICE numbers, police powers, and the number of knife crimes are linked, but the causes - like the causes of any other type of violence, lie with disordered families and communities: knife crime is just a symptom. If the chances of being caught

  • More children are being taught at home than national average

    FIFTY per cent more children are being taught at home compared to 2015, as nearly 600 children are kept out of school. Wiltshire Council officers said the county was seeing significantly more children being taken out of school than the national