After five years in business, Hitman Pest Control has received its first award.

The company, run by Jamie Smith, 52, of Salisbury, has been rated the number one pest control business in Salisbury by the Quality Business Awards.

Jamie said: “It was just such a surprise.

“I’m gobsmacked actually. You don’t get a lot of recognition in my job.”

Salisbury Journal: Jamie Smith of Hitman Pest Control.Jamie Smith of Hitman Pest Control. (Image: Joshua Truksa/Newsquest)

Jamie has 25 years of experience in the pest control business, including 10 years as a field biologist. He describes Hitman Pest Control as a “one-man band”, with occasional help from his longtime friend Dave Parkinson, who has shown interest in learning the business.

Jamie’s client list includes some of the oldest buildings in Salisbury, including landmarks frequented by tourists. Although much of pest control is prevention and proofing, Jamie leaves his van unmarked to avoid any negative connotation when the public sees him parked outside a home or business.

The award was a welcome surprise after the difficulties Jamie faced in getting his business started five years ago.

He said: “I nearly packed it in after the first eight months. It was really, really hard.”