THE ‘Voice of Ringwood’ has taken over as the town’s Rotary president.

Michael Lingam-Willgoss, affectionately known as MLW but also known as the Voice of Ringwood, was handed the chain by outgoing president Geoff Ridgeway at Greyfriars.

Mr Lingham-Wilgoss is well known for his commentating at Ringwood Carnival, the Christmas Eve event with Father Christmas, and various other local charitable events.

He has outlined ambitious plans for the year, declaring it was to be a “fun year”, adding: “Not only will we be raising over £10,000 towards our various charities, and assisting with the new foodbank project, but everything we do will contain an element of fun, a mixture of sport, social entertainment, and achieving many benefits for those with greater needs than ourselves.”

There are still a few vacancies for new members, male or female. Contact Geoff Kynaston on 01425 474 733 or .