IN September Redlynch and District WI celebrated its 97th birthday.

We were pleased to welcome guests from Downton Evening, Godshill and Odstock, Nunton and Bodenham WIs as well as several potential new members.

David Andrews entertained us with his History of Olde Tyme Music Hall.

He explained that until 1839 The Vauxhall Gardens in London had been the venue for popular entertainment, but when it closed its patrons had to find somewhere else to go. The only alternative at the time, the Grecian Salon, did not admit women.

Singing in pubs increased in popularity, and gradually developed and moved into the new music halls.

At the same time minstrel singers from USA were becoming popular.

With the advent of railways, music halls sprang up across the country and entertainers could repeat their acts by travelling around.

David told lots of stories about the stars of the time, mentioning that some of the later ones went on to become early film stars.

He also explained the meaning of some of the well known lyrics.

David had brought along song sheets and, between talking about different events and performers, he accompanied us with his guitar as we joined in with the songs.

After the interesting and enjoyable entertainment, everyone tucked into a birthday tea prepared by the committee.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday, October 9 when Sheila Youngs will tell us about her Olympic Experience, and the theme for the trading table will be Anything Goes.

On October 23 we will be presenting a Vintage Fashion Show with afternoon tea in aid of Salisbury Hospice.