PARKING regulations in St Thomas’s Square can now be enforced after Wiltshire Council finally put up the right signs.

Residents and shopkeepers in the square said the picturesque area had become a free car park with parking wardens powerless to issue tickets because “zonal entry plates” weren’t in place.

The signs were removed about two years ago and the square began to fill up with parked cars.

Vehicles blocked shop window displays, parked near the restaurants’ outside tables and made access to the church difficult, particularly for weddings and funerals.

Residents and shopkeepers complained to the council, which promised back in March that the signs would be ordered and installed.

Six months later nothing had happened and the Journal ran a story highlighting the problem.

Within days the council put the signs up, declaring the square a restricted parking zone with no parking at any time.

Anyone who does park there will now face a £60 fine.

Ward councillor Richard Clewer said: “I was aware this was becoming an increasing problem and that the signage needed to be put in place.

“That has now happened and parking in St Thomas’s Square should come to an end.”