PUPILS at the special needs unit at Highbury primary school enjoyed a musical ride last week as guests of the Riding for the Disabled Association at the Pembroke Centre in Wilton.

The Wilton group consists mainly of volunteers who enjoy being able to give disadvantaged children a day of fun and a well deserved chance to relax.

Claire Hacker, the RDA instructor, had been coaching the children over three weeks in order to create a successful presentation. She said life can so often be stressful for the children: "Taking part in an event like this gives them a great sense of achievement and really helps to put a smile on their faces.".

There was a positive atmosphere throughout the centre as the children sat on their chosen horses with the decorated hats they had made.

The RDA group has carried out this event many times before and it has always been a success, but this was a first for Highbury School and once again it did not fail to please.