Brahim Sabbar, human rights defender, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for assaulting and disobeying a police officer - charges he denies.

The conviction appears to have been based exclusively on the record of a police interview with him, which he says he was never allowed to check for accuracy.

Brahim and his colleague, Ahmed Sbai, are also awaiting a trial on charges which include belonging to an unauthorized association and inciting violent protest against the Moroccan administration of Western Sahara.

Brahim appears to have been targeted for collecting and disseminating information about human rights violations and public advocacy of self-determination for the people.

Please write, calling for the immediate release of Brahim unless he is promptly tried on all charges in full conformity with international fair trial standards.

Send appeals to: His Excellency Mr Mohammed Belmahi, Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco, 49 Queen's Gate Gardens, London SW7 5NE.