BOMB disposal experts swooped on a second-hand furniture shop after an explosive device was discovered this afternoon.

Jon Clark, who runs Allsorts in Fisherton Street, found the German Second World War incendiary bomb after clearing a house.

Fisherton Street was closed to traffic and pedestrians until the bomb squad arrived and removed the device.

The road is now open again.

The foot-long, 1kg bombs were used to spread fires in British towns and cities during the war.

The Luftwaffe would drop up to 700 at a time, often to devastating effect.

The Journal spoke to Jon as he was shutting up shop this afternoon.

He said: "I was just unloading a few boxes of tools when I noticed a fin shape sticking out of one of the boxes. It looked like a bomb which was a bit strange.

"I picked it up, wrapped it in blankets, put it in a steel box, left it on the road and called the police."

Jon described the bomb to the police, who arrived within five minutes and cordoned off the road.

The bomb squad arrived within half an hour x-rayed the device, finding it was still live.

"A bit had been removed, which was very dangerous," said Jon.

"The explosive was still in there."

Jon is set to return to the house in which he found the bomb tomorrow, to continue the clearance.

"The old boy was a hoarder," he said.

"Christ knows what I am going to find."

When asked if he was scared by the experience, Jon said: "I didn't think about it really. There was a little bit of adrenaline I suppose. I just did what I thought was right."

Jon has been running Allsorts for 20 years, but has never found a live bomb before, although he once found two revolvers during a house clearance.

He took them to Greenfield's gunsmiths to be destroyed.

Jon's partner, Valerie James, said: "I told him straight away to get on the phone.

"You can never be too sure. I'm just glad it was okay."

A police spokesman said: "Wiltshire Police have closed Fisherton Street, Salisbury after the discovery of a suspicious item.

"We were called at around 3.30pm today (Monday 6 June 2016) after its discovery.

"Police officers are at the scene and a specialist unit is on route.

"We are advising people to avoid the area for the time being; a specialist team will arrive soon to carry out a detailed examination of the item.

"Please be advised there may be some traffic disruption in the city centre due to the street's closure.

"We will update you as soon as we know more."

A later update said: "Fisherton Street in Salisbury has now been re-opened. 

"The street was closed this afternoon (Monday 6 June 2016) after the discovery of a war-time German incendiary device.

"A specialist team was called in to examine the device and took it away for safe destruction. 

"The street was re-opened at 4.50pm."

Sergeant Clissold of Salisbury Police said: "Thankfully the main initiator had been removed but it was still taken away by the Royal Logistics Corps for destruction.

"Officers closed the road for approximately 90 mins to ensure the safety of the public until the device was assessed and made safe.

"I would like to take the opportunity to thank the public for their understanding during the closure."