THE first NHS-owned limited company in England to market a service worldwide has been launched by Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust.

Odstock Medical Limited (OML), based at Salisbury District Hospital, will use the income generated from its functional electrical stimulation (FES) service to further research this clinical area and create new developments that will help NHS patients.

The FES systems are designed and manufactured by the company and enable people suffering from dropped foot' - brought about by stroke, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy - to electronically regain the use of their lower limbs. OML will increase the availability of its FES treatments and devices throughout the UK and other countries. The devices and treatments will continue to be available for NHS patients, with the opportunity to expand their use bringing more money back in to benefit NHS patients.

Jon Lewis, chief executive of OML, said: "Unlike traditional routes, where NHS inventions have been licensed to other commercial companies bringing in small returns, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust has taken the unusual route of creating their own company."

The teams that provide the clinical service will all remain NHS staff working to NHS terms and conditions, but will be seconded to the company with the commitment to provide the same high level of patient care.

Mr Lewis said: "OML has already brought in welcome additional income to the NHS trust.

"This new and innovative way of supplying both treatment to patients in the UK and products to healthcare establishments throughout the world will mean that NHS patients, staff and the trust will benefit from the growth through the commercial sector."