BOOK Fairies are going to be in Salisbury on October 13 at 11am to share books by some of the authors who will be at the literary festival.

Follow the festival on Instagram or Twitter (@salslitfest) to find out more.

Fairies are usually never seen. Apparently they own half of Ireland; the underground half!

They live hidden at the edges of our world; in the corner of your eye. Although not seen, they are known for what they do: Fairies leave rings of daisies in the grass where they have danced; they take teeth and leave money; they make shoes and, more recently, they leave books for humans to find.

The Book Fairy movement (@the_bookfairies) has helped to share thousands of books across the world. Find a book, read it then pass it on, so become a fairy yourself!

On October 13 some real-life Book Fairies will be walking around Salisbury in full view and they will have books to share with you.

Follow us on social media to find out where we are. Come for a chat and take a book.