THE ROCKBOURNE Fair returns tomorrow, with new extended opening times for late night shopping.

The annual boutique shopping experience, at Salisbury Racecourse, raises money for the Stars Appeal.

Doors will open from 2pm to 9pm on Wednesday, October 16 for late night shopping, as well as 9.30am to 5pm on Thursday 17, and 9.30am to 1pm on Friday, October 18.

Building on the success of last year's revamped Fair, the new committee are bringing in 50 per cent new stalls, with over 100 boutique suppliers.

Stall holders range across fashion, cosmetics and jewellery, to luxury homeware, gourmet food and toys.

The fair prides itself on the breadth of the offering, with something for all ages and for those with pocket money spend through to those looking for that special gift.

Each year, projects funded by the charity help thousands of local people at Salisbury District Hospital to get better faster, return home sooner and have a more positive hospital experience.

The charity is aiming to raise £1million this year to fund projects which offer direct, practical support to patients and their families, over and above what the NHS provides.

These include cancer support, help for older and dementia patients, a child friendly children’s ward and parents accommodation, Hospital Chaplains, free Wi-Fi and advanced equipment in key areas such as cancer surgery, cardiac care and the Neonatal Unit as well as enhancing the patient environment across the Hospital.

Bev Moulding, chair of the new organising committee, said: "We loved the response we got from customers last year - from people who had never been before as well as our loyal Rockbourne Fair shoppers - and we are thrilled that we managed to raise £54k for Stars Appeal.

"We work hard all year sourcing the very best stalls to create a unique shopping experience. Come with friends, enjoy lunch in the restaurant - and Shop the Rock."

Follow @rockbournefair on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for Fair news and competitions or visit