A MOTHER from Ringwood who lost her daughter to liver disease, has inspired a decorating project at a children’s ward.

Dana Fry, 25, who lost her 18-month-old daughter last year, wanted to do something for a local children’s ward in her baby’s memory and suggested the project to the team. The team of 12 individuals from The Prince’s Trust spruced up a children’s ward in Poole Hospital.

“My daughter Mylah passed away last year,” said Dana. “While she was ill, we spent 15 months in a children’s ward in Southampton, and it became our home.

“It means a lot to be able to do this for other children.”

The Prince’s Trust is a charity that aims to get young people between 11 and 30 into jobs, education and training.

Dana’s cousin, Shannon, 18, who was also participating in the Prince’s Trust scheme said: “Dana’s daughter was my cousin, so I wanted to help other families with sick children. I’ve really enjoyed this inspiring project.”

The new kids’ chill-out area now has freshly-painted walls displaying inspirational quotes, a sofa, interactive board and a flat-screen TV.

Ward sister Ali Green, saidshe was thrilled with the results, adding: “The teenager room was very old-fashioned and boring, and we wanted something a bit more adolescent-friendly.” said Ali.

“Having these young people do the job was great, as they’re much more in touch with what our kids need.”