"I PREDICTED that the Green Party would not win this election, and [there will] still be a climate emergency, and I was right," said Green Party candidate for Salisbury, Rick Page.

However following the count at Five Rivers Leisure Centre last night, it was revealed that the party, despite placing fourth, had more than doubled its total of votes since the 2017 election.

Two years ago Green Party, led by Brig Oubridge, walked away with 1,152 votes, but last night the party ended with 2,486.

Following the exit polls at the beginning of the night, Mr Page said that the Green Party's turn out would increase for Salisbury, as the group's policies are being "taken more seriously", in line with the national climate crisis.

He added: "This is my first time standing and it has been such an experience, and I feel our green policies are starting to be taken more seriously and people are taking notice. Of course we will continue this movement, as there is still a long way to go.

"Whatever government is formed, I will continue to fight for what we believe is right.

"A climate emergency has been declared in Salisbury, which shows our clear message and that what we are doing is being taken on board."

The work of the Green Party was also commended by John Glen in the early hours this morning, as he became the re-elected MP for Salisbury.

After acknowledging his fellow candidates, in his winning speech he said: "I would like to thank the Green Party candidate, for the way he has brought forward into our debate in Salisbury some real priorities around climate change that the new government will need to take very seriously."