POLICE in Salisbury have issued a warning after a faulty crossbow was stolen during a burglary at a garage in Winterbourne Gunner.

The crossbow was stolen along with a high-powered air rifle during the burglary. The crossbow is broken and liable to fire accidentally. Police are issuing a warning to the offenders and anyone who is offered a crossbow for sale as it could cause injury to anyone using the weapon.

The burglary occurred in Down Barn Road shortly after 2pm on Monday.

Detective Sergeant Paul Franklin said: "I would warn anyone who has this crossbow not to use it. Crossbows are dangerous enough weapons and as this one misfires it is even more dangerous still.

"If anyone knows where the crossbow and rifle are or are asked to buy the stolen weapons they should contact police immediately. An investigation into this burglary has begun and we will deal robustly with anyone found to be involved. If you know who is behind this please get in touch."

Anyone who has either of the weapons, knows where they are or has information on the burglary should contact Wiltshire Police on 0845 408 7000.