Yesterday I was completely shocked by the state of the city centre.

I was appalled by the sight of so many closed shops, and so few shoppers. It was hugely depressing.

Outside the now closed Debenhams, I was confronted by about 20 - 30 youths, showing appalling levels of behaviour - spitting, swearing and being very confrontational. Instead of walking along a leafy pavement in a once pleasant city it was suddenly like being in a war zone in a sci fi movie.

Salisbury City Council has been hammering nails into Salisbury’s coffin for years, ever since the introduction of the dreadful Park and Rides, which no one ever wanted. The exorbitant rate to park - I had to pay £1.70 to call into the bank to collect a form, has for years now successfully deterred people from coming to Salisbury to shop. Very noticeable were the ‘Salisbury Ambassadors’ walking in twos, making sure people didn’t outstay their welcome.

Never would I have thought that Andover would be a more pleasant place than Salisbury, but they have a superb new bus station, flowers everywhere and free parking after 4pm every day, most shops still open and welcoming, unlike Salisbury.

I was born here, have called Salisbury my home for over 50 years, but will now choose never to venture into this apocalyptic wasteland ever again. Well done city council.

Sue Palmer

Nether Wallop