THE Echo reported on February 23 that councillors had gone against the advice of the planning officer in giving approval for a block of 40 flats to replace an older refurbished office building in Hinton Road.

I have read that part of the report that the planning officer gave to the committee members and credit to them if they were to understand a word of it.

I quote: “The development would result in adverse impacts inclusive of its harmful impact on the setting of designated and non-designated heritage assets and to the character and appearance of the area.”

What on earth does this mean?

We are talking here about new development in Hinton Road, which is not the most architecturally pleasing location in town, and I struggle to make any sense of the reasons put forward to refuse the application.

No wonder the planning committee chose to ignore the advice given.

Any explanation of this incomprehensible waffle would be much appreciated.


Catalina Drive, Poole