A PROJECT to restore the natural beauty of water meadows in Laverstock has been given a £10,000 funding boost.

The funds from The Hills Group Limited will be used by the Devenish Bradshaw Charitable Trust to improve a muddy stretch of walkway on to the meadows, provide wildflower seeding, gates and fencing to improve community access and benches to sit and enjoy what the meadows have to offer.

It will also provide an oak notice board to keep the community informed of activities on the meadows and volunteering opportunities.

Salisbury Journal:

Jane Wilkinson, the chair of The Devenish Bradshaw Charitable Trust who are entrusted with the care and preservation of the water meadows at Cow Lane in Laverstock, is delighted with the funding award.

She said: “The Trust is very excited to be making these improvements to the Laverstock meadows as part of a long-term project in partnership with the River Bourne Community Farm to restore the flora, fauna and natural beauty of the meadows.

"We are looking forward to creating a beautiful, accessible green space for the community to enjoy and are extremely grateful to The Hills Group Limited and Community First for their support with the project."

The funds have been made available through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) which is administered for Hills by Community First, the Rural Community Council for Wiltshire.


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