This week we go back to 1957 when the Salisbury Journal headline announced “Flu Hits City – Children Chief Victims”.

The article reported that supplies of flu vaccine were being sent to Salisbury Hospital Group and a list was to be compiled charting members of staff who wished to be vaccinated.

Arrangements were also in hand to have supplies sent to local authorities for the use of doctors, midwives, health visitors and others who might come into contact with flu victims in the course of their duties.

“It is possible that supplies will be sent to the County Council for distribution,” said Dr E M Wright, “but I have no definite information on that point as yet.”

An official of the Hospital Group told the Journal that, although there was a certain amount of flu among the staff, they were not “floored” as yet.

Hospitals, he said, were being offered vaccines and they were having to compile a list of all members of the staff who wished to be vaccinated. There would be no question of this being made compulsory.

The vaccine was not supposed to be 100 per cent “fool proof” but it might prove helpful.

It was, however, school children who were the principal victims of this particular flu outbreak.

Practically all the city schools reported greatly depleted attendances and it was estimated that about one child in five was absent on account of illness out of the total school population.

Teaching staff more or less escaped and there was no question of the schools closing down.

Dr Wright was in no doubt that the high rate of absence was largely down to influenza and pointed out that many parents were keeping their children at home as a precautionary measure.

Adults in the city were also affected with the Journal reporting “a decided increase in the number of claims for sickness benefit”.

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