A FORMER Laverstock man has been ordered to pay compensation of nearly £2,000 to the victims of his crimes.

Troy Andrew Russell, of Church Street, Brechin, in Angus, Scotland, appeared via video link at Salisbury Magistrates’ Court on Thursday February 3, where he admitted two burglaries and receiving stolen goods.

On August 16, 2019, a break-in was reported at Go Skydive in Old Sarum where £200 worth of GoPro chargers were stolen and £700 worth of damage was caused.

The defendant was caught on CCTV at the scene.

The second burglary, which the charge says took place in January 2020, was at St Andrew’s Church in Laverstock but nothing was reported stolen.

Entry into the building had been through a lead lined lattice window. 

Prosecutor Charles Nightingale told the court a pain of glass had been smashed using a small piece of lead lining which had been removed from the window.

The damage caused, he told the court, was £755 plus VAT.

A third burglary charge was withdrawn and changed to one of receiving stolen goods, where he dishonestly received stolen goods including a laptop HP notebook, wireless mouse and WiFi booster. 

The court heard a burglary had taken place at Bemerton Methodist Church where items including a laptop were taken.

Mr Nightingale said it had not been possible to identify Russell as the person who entered the church.

But a laptop was sold to a CEX shop, which was linked to the defendant as the account on the sellers ID was Russell's.

The 25-year-old has previous convictions recorded against him and a community order was currently in place.

Paul Jones, defending Russell, said these offences were two years ago and the defendant had had a difficult upbringing and "never really had a chance".

He told the court Russell had ended up on the streets at 15 adding: "Needless to say he ended up mainly being involved in low scale, irritating crime."

Mr Jones explain that in 2019 to 2020 Russell was homeless and "ended up stealing to be able to survive" but had reached a point where he needed a "complete new start in life" and had moved to Scotland.

He said there had been no offences in Scotland and Russell had not been in trouble with the police.

"It's the first time in his life he has a chance," he added.

Russell was given a conditional discharge for a period of three years.

The chair of the magistrates' bench, Alix Smith, said: "If you keep out of trouble for the next three years you will receive no punishment."

But she warned him if he committed any other crimes during this period these offences "will come back to haunt you" and that he would be brought back before the court.

He has to pay compensation totalling £1,993 to GoSkydive, St Andrew's Church and CEX. No order for costs or a victim surcharge were imposed.

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