FORDINGBRIDGE Show has been cancelled for the second year running and organisers of the 87-year-old event say its future hangs in the balance unless local people rally round to support it.

The two-day show is hugely popular but has suffered from problems in recent years. It was cancelled due to lack of funds in 2005 and again last year because of problems setting up a new site at Midgham Farm.

The event has been part and parcel of life in the town since the 1920s but now organisers say it is no longer relevant to the area and the show president has told the Forest journal the committee is unlikely carry on running it unless residents, businesses and local groups get their full weight behind it.

Peter Carpenter said: "When the show was set up the majority of people living in the area were associated with agriculture and now that is not the case. It doesn't relate to most peoples' lives.

"In essence we have come to a point where we need to re-think. The town needs to get involved or the show will almost certainly come to an end."

The Fordingbridge Show Society has suggested it be relocated to the recreation ground in Fordingbridge and that it be developed it into a more modern event with features including river activities, children's and rustic games and sports, skateboarding and BMX competitions and a farmers' market.

"It is really one of the last community events running in Fordingbridge and we want to find a way to carry on running. In the past there has been a committee, which has organised it and then presented it to people to come along on the day. What we want to do now is to get people more involved," said Mr Carpenter.

"There is definitely an enthusiasm for it and we hope to bring everyone together. If people in the town can't be bothered then we have misjudged it and if there is that amount of apathy then the people who have been involved in putting it together in the past will think what's the point?'"

"Apathy could let the show go the same way as the Spring festival, carnival and rustic sports. We want to give Fordingbridge people the chance to create a fun day for themselves and for others."

It is hoped the show will be re-launched in a one-day format from next year and an open meeting is being held at the town hall in Fordingbridge at 7.30pm on March 11, when anyone is welcome to come along to discuss possibilities for the future.