Sarah Hardingham, a partner in Dingham's the cookware shop in the centre of Salisbury, tells us about why she loves her KitchenAid CoffeeMaker.

RATHER unromantically, Sarah Hardingham claims she and her husband only got married so that they could become the proud owners of their KitchenAid Coffeemaker.

It was right at the top of their wedding list and has been used two or three times a day every day since the moment it was unwrapped.

"If the house was burning, that's the thing I'd grab," says Sarah.

"It's red and shiny and looks beautiful.

New, the KitchenAid coffeemaker costs £499, but says Sarah it's worth the money.

"I'm sure I've saved that in a year making my own rather than going to a coffee shop for a disappointing coffee."