WIRE, ink and papier mache were used to make some beautiful, contrasting artwork as part of a special week of activities at Breamore Primary School.

The school holds enrichment weeks with various themes at the end of each half term and last week the children immersed themselves in art of all types, from making pin-hole cameras and developing their work to sculpting and fabric printing.

The theme for the week was contrasts' as the youngsters compared different types and styles of art.

Headteacher Ruth Conway said: "We abandon the timetable for a week and focus the whole school on a project topic. When we ask the children to focus on their learning the enrichment week always features highly. They really enjoy it."

Local artist Gillian Bathe paid a visit to work with pupils and a representative of the ArtsWay group also came into the school.

The school is undergoing building work at the moment so the art the children created will be kept safe until the work is complete when it will be displayed on the walls for all to admire.