POLITICAL unrest has been surging in the last few weeks and in addition to the energy crisis and cost-of-living concerns, threats have now been made to climate, food security, and nature.

The Government is creating a 'bonfire of laws' and is looking to revoke existing laws that protect water quality, pollution, wild places, and the use of pesticides.

The ban on fracking has been lifted despite safety concerns and they are also looking to overturn the long-awaited Environmental Land Management scheme (ELMs) which rewards farmers for the restoration of nature.

The CEO of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Gary Mantle said: “Vital legal protections for wildlife are at risk, fossil fuel extraction is being favoured over renewables, and the Government is going back on plans to reward farmers for managing land in a nature-friendly way.

“These proposals have sparked outrage by politicians of all political persuasion, farmers, campaigners, and members of the public – many of whom feel anxious that the Government is not tackling the nature and climate crises with the urgency required.”

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is asking supporters and the wider public to contact their MP and local councillors to voice concern over the new proposals.

A recent poll by the Climate Coalition – a group of leading environmental organisations and campaigners – found that only 23 per cent of people felt the Government is doing enough to tackle the climate crisis.

Gary said: “We are calling on the public to contact their elected representatives and share just how concerned they are. These actions will affect us all – the communities where we live, our wild places, food security, and our futures. The climate and nature crises pose monumental challenges, and recent proposals by this Government will only make things worse.”

“The Government’s own Food Security Report published last year identified climate change and biodiversity loss as the biggest threats to future food production. We must encourage farming in harmony with nature – yet the deregulation proposed by the Government will lead to yet more poo in rivers, less wildlife and land that’s unable to adapt to climate change.”

A new planning and infrastructure bill including investment zones has also been announced which will create a considerable threat to habitat and wildlife.


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