Residents are invited to find out more about the neighbourhood plan for Ringwood and share their thoughts on the ideas put forward.

The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan team has a display in the Gateway Building which runs until October 29.

The display will highlight areas that will be covered by the plan and will also be an opportunity for everyone to share their views and comment on the ideas generated so far.

Chair of Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan, Ringwood Town Cllr John Haywood said: “The Neighbourhood Plan is all about future land use in the parish, it describes features like green spaces, historic buildings and elements of building design and heritage that we want to retain.

"It also highlights things that can be improved like energy efficiency of new developments, making the town centre more vibrant and the need for smaller, affordable homes.

"We hope that people will take this opportunity to provide vital feedback to help us to shape the plan.”

The display will be available during Gateway opening hours and on Saturdays. 

It will be manned by members of the neighbourhood plan team at the following times:

• 9am to 1pm on Saturdays

• 9am to 11am on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays

• 11am to 1pm on Wednesdays

• 3pm to 4pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays

• 5pm to 7pm on Wednesdays

Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan project manager, Mary Deboos added: “We will also be showcasing some of the ideas that the young people of Ringwood have about the future of their town.

"These include their thoughts about how to make Ringwood a more vibrant town centre and how simple changes might provide more for young people to do in the town.

"We hope that local people and businesses will take the opportunity to view their work and add their own thoughts.”