UDPATE: Wiltshire Council has confirmed it is a £100 payment (not £65) and it's not for everyone -  it's for some working-age people who have council tax reduction.

In addition: the £20 for children needs to be a low-income household and on free school meals and it will be a voucher - there will be one for £20 over Christmas and then other amounts for other times.

HOUSEHOLDS that currently receive Council Tax Reduction, due to low income, will be getting a £65 payment paid to them.

The money is coming from the Government’s Household Support Fund and is to support residents with the cost of living crisis.

If there are children in the household, there will be an additional payment of £20 for every eligible child. 

Residents do not need to apply for these payments. If you currently pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit, payment will be made into the same bank account by December 9.

If you don’t pay by Direct Debit, you will be sent a voucher that you can exchange at the Post Office for cash.