THERE are plans to erect a 'disable friendly' building next to a cricket pavilion. 

Amesbury Town Council has tabled the application, and the scheme proposes a community workshop with disabled access and four storage units with vehicle access from the existing car park.

It would be next to Amesbury Pavilion on Archers Way. 

The planning application says the new workshop will be open for communal use: "mainly by the older generation - creating a space for them to commune".

The storage units are to provide storage for the Rugby and Cricket Sports Clubs which use the field beyond the pavilion. 

The proposed Workshop is to have a disabled access ramp at the entrance and a disabled WC on the immediate right of the entrance to cater for the older community who will mainly being using the space.

A disabled friendly kitchen with the appropriate countertop and cupboard heights is located at the back of the workshop with an area for socialising.

The workshop space is located on the left side of the building with lots of safe space for equipment and work benches.

The existing site of the Pavillion has no listings, nor is it near any listings or scheduled monuments adjacent to the site.

There are currently no ongoing planning applications in the immediate surroundings of the site.