A WILTSHIRE football club has raised more than £300 for one of its young players after he was diagnosed with cancer.

Shrewton United raised money for Corbain Perry, 17, at its match on February 4 after he was diagnosed with grade 3 sarcoma.

At the match against Malmesbury Victoria, the club raised £311 which Corbain is donating half to the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Max Harris, Shrewton United player, said: “A total of £311 was raised for Corbain, through the bar and in donations buckets. Myself and everyone at Shrewton FC would like to thank everyone for all their support at yesterday's game, Corbain was in good spirits. I think the 5-3 win helped cheer him up slightly.”

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The 349 Barbell gym has also set up a fundraising page for Corbain. From an initial target of £2,000, the current total is £4,205.

On the JustGiving page, it said: “He has been a member of our gym since the age of 14 so here at 349 Barbell we would like to group together and do a challenge of lifting 1000 Powelifting Tonnes - 1 MILLION KG with Squats, Bench and Deadlifts.

“With the money raised, Corbain has always wanted a Electric Scooter and all money will be donated to Corbain himself!”

To donate to the fundraiser, visit: justgiving.com/crowdfunding/CorbainPerry?utm_term=qg853zJ4G.