The St John Singers ‘Magic of Christmas’ concert, held at St Thomas’s Church, Salisbury, in December, raised £5,000 for the Salisbury Foodbank.

The Chairman of St John Singers, Kate Henderson, was delighted to welcome John Pitt-Brooke, Chairman of the Salisbury Foodbank, to a recent choir rehearsal at which she presented the charity with the £5,000 donation. 

Salisbury Journal:

Mr Pitt-Brooke warmly thanked the choir for this tremendous contribution, adding: "those present at the concert in December would never forget the atmosphere and wonderful music they heard that night".

One of the St John Singers main purposes is to give concerts supporting other charities. The choir can next be heard at Hindon Parish Church, on Saturday, March 18 at 7.30pm, where they will be raising church funds.