WILTSHIRE Council has said it is exploring "multiple options" to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in Culver Street car park. 

It comes after a series of incidents at the car park, including the death of a woman and an "unprovoked attack" which left a man with injuries.

Plans at this stage do not include a closure order. 

Councillor Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Operational Assets, said: “We are working closely with the police given the recent increase in anti-social behaviour and the tragic death of a member of the public at this site.

"Along with our partners, we are exploring multiple options to reduce the anti-social behaviour and crime at this site. Any closure order would need to be considered in context of all practicalities, including impact of car parking elsewhere in Salisbury.”


At around 10pm on Thursday, April 13, Wiltshire Police responded to a report of a woman in her 40s being found unresponsive in the car park in Culver Street.

The woman was dead at the scene despite the best efforts of the emergency services.

A man was subsequently arrested on suspicion of manslaughter but has since been released on bail. 

Salisbury Journal:

Shortly after that, a CCTV camera in the car park was damaged.

On April 21, a man was left with cuts to his nose and eyebrow after an 'unprovoked attack'.

Structural repairs to the car park were also completed last year, costing around £600,000.

Wiltshire Police told the Journal it is aware of issues concerning antisocial behaviour in the car park and that it is working with Wiltshire Council to address it.