The Salisbury Soroptomists have released the final tally for their annual bra collection this year.

The count rose nearly 50 per cent from last year, with 3,736 bras collected in May and June of 2023.

Members of the Soroptomists counted each bra and packaged them for delivery to Afreebra’s storage facility in Twickenham, from which they are to be sent to Africa for distribution to rural women across the continent.

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A spokesperson for Salisbury Soroptimists said: “In rural Africa, many women never dream of owning a bra – any disposable income is spent on food, children, husbands and lastly on women. But with your help, this can change.

“The bras will all be flown to various African countries and donated to women who otherwise would not be able to afford such garments. Imagine the boost to your confidence and self-esteem by wearing a ‘luxury’ garment. Like in many places, women are often last in the queue for family finances and their needs come low down the priority list.”

The Salisbury Soroptimists encouraged people not to throw their bras away if they missed this year’s donation window.

A spokesperson said: “If you didn’t get around to donating, please hang on to your bras – we will be happy to receive them next year.”