PLANS have been resubmitted for a new Southern Policing Hub at High Post outside Amesbury. 

It comes after the previous application was refused in June on the grounds that the development would negatively affect the landscape.

Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson said in August, two months after the initial plans were refused, that he was “pushing hard to get the last few details signed off as I fully appreciate how important this is for the residents of Salisbury and across the south of the county.”

The new plans include the erection of four buildings located directly adjacent to Highpost Business Park, with employment space for Nationwide Engineering, Apsley Precision Engineering, and four acres in the centre of the development to deliver the Southern Policing Hub for Wiltshire.

At this stage, the proposals for Wiltshire Police are outline only, with subsequent Reserved Matters applications to follow

Following refusal of application PL/2022/09262 in June 2023, this application proposes an amended access and a pedestrian connection to the southbound bus stop of the A345 High Post crossroads.

Along with the Transport Statement and Travel Plan, this application is supported by an updated Ecological Assessment and LVIA which address the earlier reasons for refusal.

The planning statement states: "Overall, it is clear that this application has made significant efforts to resolve the Council’s earlier concerns and we would welcome discussions with the Council during the course of the application."

It concludes: "The development has been carefully designed to ensure that it complies with Local and National Planning Policies, it will not lead to any unacceptable adverse impacts on the wider landscape character, it achieves a net gain in biodiversity and it will not be detrimental to highway safety or result in severe residual cumulative impacts on the road network". 

The applicants also say it allows the retention and continued expansion of long-standing local employers an will provide significant economic benefits to the community and wider county. 

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In March, four sites were considered for the possible future home of the Southern Policing Hub- a site in the Fugglestone Red area, a site in Old Sarum, land adjoining Salisbury District Hospital and the High Post site which became the final decision.

To view the plans in full click here