THESE are the five most dangerous road junctions in the Salisbury area, according to Journal readers.

We asked on Facebook "In your opinion, where is the most dangerous road junction in our area", and were flooded with scores of responses.

We've trawled through them all and created this list of the five road junctions you believe to be the most dangerous in Basingstoke.

The five most dangerous road junctions in Salisbury

1. A345: Down Barn Road T-junction

Turning onto a country road can be dangerous at the best of times, but the sheer speed and volume of drivers here can be a nightmare for even the most confident of drivers.

One reader commented that it: "needs a roundabout there."

2. St Mark's Roundabout

The second most dangerous junction, according to Journal readers, is at St Mark's Roundabout.

One reader explained the reason being is: "The lane signage from the dual carriageway from the College Roundabout to St Mark's Roundabout... is poor because cars get into the left-hand lane as well as the right-hand lane to go straight across onto London Road." 

3. Ford Road onto Old Castle Road

One reader suggested this particular junction, and his comment received 17 likes.

A blind junction, onto a road which is often busy, it's understandable that readers would agree this to be one of the more dangerous junctions in Salisbury.

4. Aldi, London Road

"I can't understand why it's still 40 along there" said one reader.

On the average day, it can feel a little bit scary for drivers to simply exit a car park after shopping, when the road they need to turn onto has cars flying past at 40mph

In rush hour, the traffic along this road builds up greatly, and drivers often struggle to enter and exit the car park.

5. Old Malthouse Lane to A30

Surely we all expected this to be on the list?

Trying to turn onto the A30 from Old Malthouse Lane can be a difficult task for drivers around Salisbury.

Many readers took to the comments to point this junction out as one of the most dangerous in the area.

Do you agree with this list?

Did we miss a particularly dangerous junction?

Let us know what you think, and how you believe these junctions can be made safer.