John Baker’s article last week reported on the new action group “Save Bonham Farmland Campaign”.

This planting is going ahead in spite of considerable local opposition.

This is because of two failures.

Firstly, The Forestry Commission did not have an Environmental Impact Assessment and has given no response to this failure.

Secondly, local opinion was not canvassed when this proposal was made.

Anyone who has been on White Sheet Down and seen those stunning views of the natural landscape as it falls away in this AONB will be horrified to see it disappear and watch the good agricultural land give way to a dense block of planting.   

One of the stated joint aims of the Estate is “to create and maintain a beautiful landscape”.   This Bonham Plain tree planting does the opposite.

There have been failures here which should be brought into the public arena as soon as possible. 

As a local resident, I fully support the campaign to Save Bonham Farmland.

The organisational failures of the Forestry Commission which is responsible for their approval of a wrong tree wrong place scheme here, set a dangerous precedent and must be brought to light.  

The planting should stop and plans should be reconsidered with the benefit of an Environmental Impact Assessment, as per regulations.

Alternative appropriate plans can then be put forward under the correct process.

Hilary Younger

Gasper Street, Salisbury 

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