A YOUTH group for members of the  LGBTQ+ in Salisbury is moving to a new location in the city.

Groups had previously been hosted by the George and Dragon pub on Castle Street. 

LGBTQ+ youth group, led by a member of the LGBTQi+ community and supported by Salisbury City Council staff and other professionals, meets fortnightly and is moving to a new safe space.

The Salisbury City Council Communities Team-led LGBTQ+ youth project started in February 2023 in response to conversations with young people in search of a safe and supportive space, dedicated to them.

The group leaders and volunteers have met dozens of young people who have expressed a need for space independent of home and school which is dedicated to them as they find their way through their thoughts and feelings about their sexuality and gender identity.

The City Council’s Communities Team see their role as creating the opportunity, listening to young people to shape and develop the offer and helping to build community members' skills to hold and develop this project long into the future.

The group is overseen and facilitated by professionally trained staff and supporting volunteers, who share the aim of creating a space where young people can meet, participate in activities, and chat with us and each other without agenda or judgement and with support on hand if requested. People are encouraged to attend with supportive friends and allies if they wish.

Leader of Salisbury City Council, Victoria Charleston said: "I am so proud of the Communities Team’s work to provide a safe and supportive space for LGBTQ young people. 

"Having listened to young people, they have altered and adapted the youth group to make sure it really meets the needs of attendees.

"I hope it provides the space individuals need to explore tricky thoughts and feelings."

How can you find out more?

Salisbury Journal:

In a challenging approach to promoting a group, readers won’t find the name of the venue on the posters. What you will find is a QR code which will lead you to a brief questionnaire.

Those who fill it out will receive a brief phone call to talk about the project and to establish a connection first.

The full details are then shared directly, or you will be guided to other support you are looking for.

It’s an unusual, but not unique, approach to making sure people can feel confident attending and don’t feel ‘outed’ just by walking through the door.

The project leaders also want to hear from parents and carers who are looking to support their young people, organisations and professionals who want to know more and can share the promotional materials.

For more information, contact: 01722 417100 or bhc@salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk