Here are the planning applications for the Salisbury area received by Wiltshire Council in the week ending March 24. 


PL/2024/02715 - 2 Fairways Court, Salisbury Street, SP4 7AW

Proposal: Restructuring and extension of conservatory to provide better accommodation.

Berwick St. John

PL/2024/02775 - Ashcombe House, Ferne Hollow, Berwick St John, SP5 5QG

Proposal: Proposed family burial plot for Ashcombe House.

Broad Chalke

PL/2024/02297 - Corner Cottage, South Street, SP5 5DH

Proposal: Two Storey side extension, with part basement at ground floor and first-floor roof terrace. 


PL/2024/02071 - Units 1 and 3, Manor Farm, SP3 5AG

Proposal: Retrospective application for the installation of temporary Portakabin building to be used as an office for a period of 156 weeks.

Coombe Bissett

PL/2024/01535 - Land Adjacent Footes House, Homington Road, SP5 4LY

Proposal: Sever plot; erect one dwelling; use of existing lawful access from Shutts Lane and associated development. 

PL/2024/00683 - The Manor, Barbers Lane, Homington, SP5 4NG

Proposal: Replace fully glazed conservatory with a solid slate roof structure with sympathetic glazing on the east elevation and gable end. Remove 1920/30's porch and replace with fully glazed structure linking the two buildings. 

Fonthill Gifford

PL/2024/02646 - Bramleys, Stop Street, Fonthill Gifford, SP3 6QW

Proposal: Extension to existing house and replacement outbuilding to provide garage, storage and home office.


PL/2024/02018 - 13 Collis Terrace, Crawlboys Lane, Ludgershall, SP11 9QZ

Proposal: Change of use of grass verge to residential garden, erection of new boundary walls, and installation of new dropped kerb.


PL/2024/02907 - 23 Queensberry Road, SP13 PH

Proposal: Side and rear single story extension to dwelling

PL/2024/02866 - Works to a Listed Building: Fielding House, 14A, The Close, SP1 2EB

Proposal: Application for Window Replacement Works

PL/2024/02649 - 1 Millbrook, SP1 1NH

Proposal: Replacement rear extension with new two storey rear and single storey side extension.

Alterations to existing glazing including new ground floor side windows. New roof lights to side and rear of main roof. Existing dormer rebuilt with new glazing arrangement.

PL/2024/02563 -Community Gardens, Gainsborough Close, Bemerton Heath, SP2 9HJ

Proposal: Installation of a new disabled access ramp and gazebo with associated landscaping, including the reuse and relocation of the existing gazebo.

PL/2024/02541 - Land at Pauls Dene House, 213 Castle Road, SP1 3RY

Proposal: Outline planning application (with all matters except access reserved) for nine dwellings and associated works.

PL/2024/02540 -  Land off Rollestone Street and to the rear of 24-28 Endless Street.

Proposal: The erection of four dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping

PL/2023/10862 - 82 Southampton Road, SP1 2LE

Proposal: Change of use of land to car wash/valeting services and erection of gazebo's for valeting purposes and over car wash prewash pad.


PL/2024/02106 - Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use Address: Maddington Manor, Maddington Street, SP3 4JE

Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to enable confirmation that existing online business at the property does not represent a material change of use

Sutton Mandeville

PL/2024/02329 - Works to a Listed Building: The Old Rectory, Rectory Road, Sutton Mandeville, SP3 5NA

Proposal: Change of use of agricultural land to residential for the formation of a new access with associated works


PL/2024/02810 - Furzelease Farm, Tisbury Row, SP3 6RZ.

Proposal: Proposed two-storey extension to the rear of the property

PL/2024/02779 - Works to a Listed Building: Wardour Castle, Wardour, Tisbury, SP3 6RH

Proposal: Installation of three roof access hatches within modern flat roofs of the Chapel of All Saints, Wardour Castle. 

PL/2024/01716 - Land to side of Wiltshire Fire Brigade, Fire Station, The Avenue, Salisbury, SP3 6JJ

Proposal: Retrospective application for new broadband cabinet.


PL/2024/02583 - 4 The Pheasantry, London Road, Winterslow, SP5 1BN

Proposal: Proposed three bay garage with storage above.