Here are some road closures planned for the following days and weeks. 

  • Roman Road (Part), Laverstock and Ford; from its junction with Ford Lane for a distance of approximately 75m in a north westerly direction to enable Wiltshire Council to carry out repairs to bridge, parapet and associated works.

Alternative route via Roman Road (unaffected length) - A345 - The Portway - A338 and vice versa.

This order will come into operation on April 2 and the closure will be required until April 19.

  • C65 (Part), Broad Chalke; from its junction with C12 to its junction with South Street to enable Openreach to carry out cover and associated works.

Alternative route via C65 (unaffected length) -C326 - C12 - C65 (unaffected length) and vice versa.

This Order will come into operation on April 4 and the closure will be required for one day.

  • Milston Road (Part), Figheldean; from outside its property known as Cliffend for a distance of approximately 60m in a northerly direction to enable Scottish and Southern Power Distribution to carry out tree pruning around Scottish and Southern electricity network.

Alternative route via Milston Road (unaffected length) - Choulston Close - Lower Road - A345 - High Street - Church Lane and vice versa.

This order will come into operation on April 5 and the closure will be required between the hours of 9.30pm and 3.30pm for one day.