THESE planning applications were received by Wiltshire Council for the week ending April 21.

Coombe Bissett

PL/2024/03325 - Wyckfield, Homington Road, Coombe Bissett, SP5 4LR.

Proposal: Demolition of out buildings and erection of 1 self-build residential dwelling, access, parking, landscaping and associated works.


PL/2024/03534 - Standlynch House, Witherington Road, Downton, SP5 3QR.

Proposal: Demolish existing two storey side extension and porch and construct new thermally efficient two storey side extension end enclosed porch.


PL/2024/03086 - Advertisement Consent: 2 High Post Business Park, High Post, SP4 6AT.

Proposal: Non-illuminated sign to side of building, used on a rotating basis for use by street artists to display artwork.


PL/2024/03374 - 12 Milston View, Durrington, SP4 8HN.

Proposal: Installation of new window on side elevation.


PL/2024/03313 - 259 Church Road, Milston, SP4 8HT.

Proposal: Demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling with attached car port and enlarged curtilage.


PL/2024/03106 - Elm Tree Barn, Nunton. 

Proposal: Demolition of barn, erection of two dwellings, garaging, car port, ground mounted PV array, swimming pool to plot 1 and associated works.


PL/2024/03515 - 16 Primrose Road, SP2 9JR.

Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Rear extension and alterations.

PL/2024/03393 - De Vaux House, 6 St Nicholas Road, SP1 2SN.

Proposal: Replacing existing single glazed fenestrations with double glazed units on the modern extension.

PL/2024/03391 - 35 Ivie Place, SP2 9GL.

Proposal: Retrospective application for rear conservatory and BBQ area.

PL/2024/03263 - Churchill Gardens, Southampton Road, SP1 2HS.

Proposal: Relaying of existing hardsurfacing to the west of the Churchill Garden’s public toilets and the re-landscaping of hardsurfacing to the north of Salisbury Skatepark to provide a new grassed area and paths.

PL/2024/03262 - Pinewood Way Open Space, SP2 9HU.

Proposal: Creation of new tarmac pedestrian footpath.

PL/2024/02845 - Works to a Listed Building: 10 Queen Street, SP1 1EY.

Proposal: Proposed commercial business sign to the front of shop.


PL/2024/03371 - Nettwood Fram, Shrewton Cricket Club Playing Field, Nett Road, SP3 4HB.

Proposal: Retrospective permission to provide temporary buildings to house 'home' & 'away', umpires changing rooms, catering unit and pavilion/club house on Shrewton Cricket Ground & machine shed at Nett Road (until funds enable construction of consented buildings/facilities - see 14/06488/FUL).

Sutton Mandeville

PL/2024/03228 - The Homestead, Sutton Hill, Sutton Mandeville, SP3 5ND.

Proposal: Erection of agricultural building and a construction of new access from Sutton Hill, hard and soft landscaping and associated works.

PL/2024/03227 - The Homestead, Sutton Hill, Sutton Mandeville, SP3 5ND.

Proposal: Installation of a ground mounted solar array and associated works.


PL/2024/03341 - 11 Station Road, SP9 7NZ.

Proposal: Development of six dwellings with access road and car parking; Form new parking area for garage.


PL/2024/02482 - Grove Cottage, Vicarage Road, Tisbury, SP3 6HZ.

Proposal: Part demolition of existing 4 bed cottage, proposed extension and refurbishment.

West Tisbury

PL/2024/03174 - 3 High View Close, Tisbury, SP3 6PR.

Proposal: Construction of single storey rear extension.

Wilsford cum Lake

PL/2023/09898 - Works to a Listed Building: The Grange, Lake, SP4 7BP.

Proposal: Replacement of two dormer casement windows at 2nd floor level with like for like double glazed wooden casement windows.