An amber wildfire alert has been issued for the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service area for the coming weekend.

An amber alert means that, should a wildfire be experienced, it could spread quickly and easily due to the dry conditions.

This comes after the news that the weather in Salisbury is forecast to be as hot as Ibiza this weekend.

The wildfire risk is greatest on large areas of open land, such as heathlands, fields and even cliffsides.

Group manager Stuart Gillion said: “With a period of warm weather underway, we would urge people to take real care when enjoying the sunshine in our beautiful countryside.

“If you’re visiting our heathlands, woodlands or countryside, please avoid having a campfire and take a picnic rather than use a disposable barbecue – just a few simple steps can make a real difference to preventing fires from starting.” 

Salisbury Journal: An amber wildfire alert has been issued for the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service area for the coming weekendAn amber wildfire alert has been issued for the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service area for the coming weekend (Image: DWFireRescue)

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue service have asked those heading outdoors this weekend to follow these top tips:

  1. Don’t have barbecues or campfires on the heath or in open spaces; the risk of a fire starting is too great.
  2. Extinguish cigarettes properly, don’t throw cigarette ends on the ground or out of car windows – take your litter home.
  3. If you see a fire in the countryside, call 999 and report it immediately to the Fire & Rescue Service. Please provide as much detail as possible about location, if necessary use the What3Words app, but also make sure you are in a safe place.
  4. Landowners and land managers are advised to be prepared for fires, and ensure that fire breaks are cut and well maintained, with any cut grasses and vegetation removed from the site.

Stuart Gillion added: “We’d also remind people to take care if having a barbecue or bonfire at home. All too often, we see property destroyed when an initially small fire suddenly gets out of control.

“Never leave a bonfire or barbecue unattended, and site them well away from fences, trees or buildings.”

More information on enjoying outdoors but staying fire safe can be found at