Trek26 Stonehenge saw the arrival of more than 1,000 trekkers all geared up ready to trek 13 or 26 miles for Alzheimer’s Society.

For some, this was the longest walk they had ever taken, while for others it was part of their yearly tradition to remember their loved ones and continue helping those living with dementia.

The 26-mile route started at Hudson’s Field before bringing trekkers through Stratford-sub-Castle and past Salisbury Cathedral before looping around the south of Netherhampton and turning north to go through Burcombe and the Wishfords.

The trekkers then continued on to the Normanton Down Burrows near Stonehenge and headed back south to return to Hudson’s Field via the Woodford Valley. The 13-mile trekkers followed the northern half of the route leading from South Newton and Wishford Village Hall to Hudson’s Field.

Salisbury Journal: More then 1,000 people joined Alzheimer's Society's Stonehenge Trek26.More then 1,000 people joined Alzheimer's Society's Stonehenge Trek26. (Image: Alzheimer's Society)

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The first 13 and 26-mile trekkers finished the route in just over three and six hours, respectively, and more than half-a-million pounds was raised for people living with dementia.

Lottie Kavanagh, bespoke events fundraising officer at Alzheimer's Society, said: “Trek26 started the 2024 events season off with a bang, returning for its third year at Hudson’s Field on Saturday, May 11.”

Other Alzheimer’s Society treks across England and Wales are scheduled for May, June, July and August. Details can be found here.