Motorway size cuttings through the Stonehenge prehistoric landscape - likely cost £3bn - project back in court again. We've read this before haven't we.

The decision said that there is a compelling reason for an appeal hearing given the scale of public interest.

Public interest indeed. 238,733 people from all over the world have signed the petition against the scheme.

Already people have donated over £100,000 towards the legal costs.

READ MORE: Stonehenge tunnel scheme delayed AGAIN as another appeal granted

Salisbury Journal: Stonehenge tunnel

This legal action has been the only thing stopping bulldozers moving into this 5,000-year old landscape.

What a national shame it would be if this ever actually happened.

However, as we know, National Highways simply couldn't resist getting their earthmovers out ahead of time.

They are spending doubtless millions on blocking up the A360 for months before they had permission for their project to go ahead. It's perfectly possible that it never will.

Who decided they should proceed with this colossal waste of our money?

This would be just the start of the transport disruption, cost overruns, massive carbon emissions and possible loss of World Heritage status for Stonehenge if the project ever actually happened.

Suzanne Keene

Castle Street


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