A charity has been celebrating after raising more than £7k with a jail and bail fundraiser.

As previously reported, five 'criminals' were arrested and charged with fictitious crimes on Friday, June 7, to raise money for Salisbury Hospice Charity.

Police officers put all five 'criminals' - Trevor Austreng, Craig Hicks, Patrick Pierce, Zena Embleton and Emma Belcher - in handcuffs and took them to the Guildhall to await sentencing. 

Despite some non-guilty pleas, they were all found guilty and locked away in a jail at Live Escape Rooms.

READ MORE: Salisbury Hospice Charity run 'jail and bail' fundraiser

The five 'criminals' were Trevor Austreng, Craig Hicks, Patrick Pierce, Zena Embleton and Emma BelcherThe five 'criminals' were Trevor Austreng, Craig Hicks, Patrick Pierce, Zena Embleton and Emma Belcher (Image: Spencer Mulholland Photography)

SEE ALSO: PHOTOS: 5 people 'arrested and jailed' for Salisbury Hospice Charity

Each prisoner was given a striped prison uniform to wear and remained imprisoned all day until each raised their 'bail money', set at £999.

The five convicts managed to reach their targets and more, with the event raising an amazing £7,518 for the hospice.

The event was put on by the fundraising team at Salisbury Hospice, which offers valuable services including nursing and medical care, emotional and practical support, occupational and physiotherapy and bereavement support to people in and around Salisbury.

Corporate fundraiser at Salisbury Hospice Charity, Louise Compton said: “I‘ve seen this happen up and down the country and I thought it looked like so much fun.

“We’re so grateful for the support from the community and the police doing the arrests, giving up their time for that because they really wanted to volunteer – they did not do it on any police time and the arrests were just fantastic.

“The charity aims to raise £1.5m a year but we can’t do it on our own. It’s a real team effort.”

More information on Salisbury Hospice can be found at salisburyhospicecharity.org.uk