A weekly mental health café is ready to open in Amesbury, offering drop-in support, advice and company.

Alabarѐ’s Riverside Sanctuary has been running free mental health services for four years and in that time, the team has run five cafés across Wiltshire.

From Wednesday, June 19 from 11am till 1pm, senior peer support worker Julie White will run a mental health café space inside Evergreen Café in Amesbury, where people can drop in for a chat, signposting and support.

Although they label it as a mental health café, anyone who’d like a chat or company is welcome to go too.

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Julie said: “There’s no expectation for people to come and talk about their mental health – if they want to just say hi and go again, it’s just for people to know I’m there, that we are there and that when they are ready they can talk to us.

“It’s such a lovely place, it’s so light and welcoming. I thought it would be good to have a place where people can go to talk.”

Those needing further support can also speak with Julie about having more conversations in private.

Service manager of access, Helen Brian said: “I think the first step is always the hardest, but my view is take it one step at a time, and celebrate the little wins.

“You can just come in to the café, grab a drink, talk to each other or speak to Julie.”

PICTURED (left to right): Helen Brian, Julie White and Harvie HudsonPICTURED (left to right): Helen Brian, Julie White and Harvie Hudson (Image: Newsquest)

Alabarѐ already offer mental health support phone lines seven days a week, between 9am – 11pm.

Service manager, Harvie Hudson, said: “It’s all your choice. You can pick up the phone and build a remote rapport first for the initial contact and discussion – there’s no expectation or demand on people to really feel like they aren’t being themselves or any need to talk for a long period of time.”

Julie added: “You can come along, have a chat, make friends and that could lead to going out together, even forming groups.

“I just want to do what’s best for people’s mental health in whatever form it takes.”

The mental health café will run every Wednesday between 11am – 1pm. For more information on Alabarѐ’s mental health services, visit their website.