I have been busy over the last couple of weeks listening to and recording people’s memories and stories of the Rivers around Salisbury. These fascinating tales will eventually be housed in the County Records office in Trowbridge and be a valuable resource for people wanting to find out more about the river and its place in our lives.

I am also hoping to make use of some of them as part of REverberAVON a project that is part of Salisbury International Arts Festival. There will be a number of points across the city during the Festival where people will be able to access these memories along with poems, music and readings all inspired by river. Look out for them during the Festival in May and June this year.

In the meantime if you have an interesting tale to tell or a hoard of memories you would like to share I would love to hear from you on 01722 334856 or at martin.gilchrist@naturalengland.org.uk