A MULTIPLE births support group in Salisbury is marking Twins, Triplets and More Week next week.

The Salisbury Twins Club and Salisbury District Hospital are holding a meeting on Wednesday for expectant and existing parents at the Little Folly Children’s Centre, Bemerton Heath from 10am until 12noon.

The Twins And Multiple Births Association (Tamba) is launching antenatal and postnatal free and subsidised ‘survival’ classes for expectant parents, and a free practical guide to help parents who may be suffering from postnatal depression – see http://bit.ly/multiplebirths for more information or call 0800 1380509.

Mum of twins Becky Green from Castle Road in Salisbury, said: “Salisbury has a particularly large number of twins born every year, and many of the parents are already getting support from the local and national clubs, but there are also an increasing number of parents that we need to let know of the support available.”

For information on the city’s multiple births group, go to www.wix.com/susanjo/salisbury-twins-and-more-club.