THE Bishop of Salisbury Dr David Stancliffe will ordain 24 new priests in Salisbury Cathedral on Saturday on his last active day as Bishop.

He will step down at the end of the day after 17 years as Bishop, following a presentation to him and a service of Evensong.

Dr Stancliffe will be assisted at the ordination by the Bishop of Sherborne Dr Graham Kings and the Bishop of Ramsbury Stephen Conway.

The Bishop will accompany the candidates for ordination on a retreat at Hilfield Friary in Dorset from Wednesday to Saturday. Led by the Dean of Salisbury, the Very Reverend June Osborne, this will be a chance for them to reflect on the challenges which lie ahead for them.

The 13 women and 11 men serve in parishes across Wiltshire and Dorset, and will be supported by families and friends at the service.

This follows three months as lay workers and nine months as deacons. The candidates have continued to learn new skills and gain experience as they have lived and worked amongst the people whom they serve.

Dr Stancliffe said: "There is no more creative gift I can give to the diocese as I leave than two dozen new priests. I am really looking forward to celebrating with them, their families and their parishes.

β€œIt is immensely encouraging year after year so many in are prepared to offer their lives to serve God and neighbour in the ordained ministry in Dorset and Wiltshire.”