MORE than 4,000 people attended the three Advent Processions, From Darkness to Light at Salisbury Cathedral over the weekend. 

Regarded by many as the un-missable prelude to the festive season, each service traditionally begins in total darkness and absolute silence, broken only when the Advent Candle is lit and a solo voice rings out across the ancient space.

During each service, two colourful processions of more than 100 people included Bishop of Salisbury Rt Revd Stephen Lake, Dean of Salisbury Very Reverend Nicholas Papadopulos and Cathedral Canons, joined by the forty-strong Cathedral Choir as they made their way around the ancient building with candles lit in their wake.

Worship ended in blazes of colour and light as the processions came together to make their way from the High Altar to the West End during the final Congregational hymn, with the medieval space glowing in the light of 1300 flickering candles and the Prisoners of Conscience window illuminated gloriously blue at the East End.

The Choir for this service was conducted on all three nights by Salisbury Cathedral’s director of music, David Halls, with a plainsong choir singing from the West End Gallery. John Challenger, assistant director of music, played the organ.