Salisbury Catholic Churches (SCORE) reported a successful year in 2023, contributing more than £32,000 to 12 different charitable projects in Salisbury and abroad.

Organisations and charities receiving grants included Salisbury Pantry and the “Somewhere to Go” initiative based at Alabaré Place. SCORE further supported Salisbury Pantry indirectly by bestowing a grant to the F3 Project, an allotment scheme which provides the pantry with fresh fruit and vegetables.

Abroad, SCORE supported the Broad Chalke-based charity CRESS (Christian Relief and Education for South Sudanese), Downton-based EdUKaid for work improving the educational prospects of the poorest children in Tanzania and a project in Cape Town received funding to help supply meals to homeless people during the Christmas period.

SCORE chair Peter Pelly said: “One of the prime objectives of SCORE is the relief of poverty both locally and elsewhere in the world.

"Through the generosity of church members, we are able to have a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families. This is achieved by supporting the work of many wonderful charities.”