IT IS such happy news to learn that the Maltings shops are to be reopened after such a long time, and much sooner than we had been expecting.

We will never be told what precipitated such a turnaround, as it was nothing to do with expertise, knowledge or even common sense.

Perhaps it was that little chat I had with the Acting Chief Constable and that sweetie Inspector Sparrow last week!

We have learned so much from this incident.

For a start we will never again see the Russian spy who caused all our misery.

He will be long gone - off to endanger other lives. Endangering lives is his stock in trade. So 'do svidaniya i khoroshego izbavleniye' (goodbye and good riddance) Sergei.

We are reminded of our wonderful Salisbury District Hospital and all the staff who do a great job (can even make spies better).

Theresa May, who didn't quite pull off her PR visit, (looked terribly fake).

Baroness Scott OBE who added another string to her bow and started an Executive Tourist Business, (American Ambassador no less).

Dozens of visiting police officers who were sent to cheer us up, apart from that Welsh guy who was a misery. They did well and were handsomely paid.

The chance to have those shops open again so we can welcome back the lovely staff that work there. Really missed them.

Time to celebrate.

Lin Pritchard (No relation to any other Pritchard around)
