IN reply to Christopher Browne (Postbag, August 16) I would like to say that he is right that because of the Atom Bombs the Japanese did sacrifice their lives. They did so for me and my siblings and all the other people alive today who were born to people who were lucky enough to survive the horrendous Japanese POW camps. My father was one of these people and he said, had it not been for the bombs being dropped, he and his fellow prisoners would have died, he was 6 stone when he came out of the camp after three years and suffered all his life from what we now know is PTS and terrible nightmares plus other health issues. Does Mr Browne think they should have been sacrificed?

Our own British soldiers to save the poor Japanese. We were at war! Those brave soldiers fought and many lost their lives so he has the freedom that he enjoys today. So perhaps next year when he feels the glow of self-righteousness and he floats his candle down the river as well as thinking of the poor Japanese who he feels (“in a real sense”) were sacrificed for us, he might at the same time think of all the British people who died in the POW camps at the hands of these 'poor Japanese'.

Rachael Tanner (daughter of John Leaver)
