I was saddened to overhear negative comments during and especially after the Christmas Lights Switch On last Thursday evening regarding the event and the City Council.

I thought it was a fabulous occasion and well put together by Salisbury City Council and its partners.

The atmosphere was fantastic with lots of families and their children enjoying a happy event in the Market Square.

It was a brilliant occasion in support of our great city and in starting the run-up to Christmas that is all too important for many local businesses and our retail economy, not to mention the pending celebration of the birthday of a certain person who changed the culture around the world and influences lives forever.

There will never be enough fireworks, or Christmas lights, or effects, or grand spectacle, but we are lucky to have such an occasion that many places don't have at all.

The Salisbury Christmas Lights Switch On 2018 was well compared, the broad range of great live music supplemented the joyous atmosphere with a programme of events that starts the approach to Christmas and something that should be rejoiced in while it was appreciated by a huge crowd greater than last year.

Salisbury City Council should be thanked for a job well done and not criticised.

David Durlston Baker

Castle Road
